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          TECH-POWER (HUANGSHAN) LIMITED Participated In International Paint & Coatings In India 2018

          2021-05-22     瀏覽次數(shù):2097    


          TECH-POWER (HUANGSHAN) LIMITED participated in international Paint & Coatings in India 2018. The reporting venue was held in Mumbai, India. The exhibition is held every two years and is jointly organized by the Nuremberg Exhibition Group, PaintIndia Magazine and Vincentz Media Group. It has a history of more than 20 years and has now developed into the leading professional exhibition in the Indian coatings industry.


          A total of 381 companies participated in the 2016 India Coatings Exhibition, an increase of 16.2% year-on-year. The exhibition area reached 28,503 square meters, an increase of 12%. The exhibition welcomed 13,859 professional visitors from 62 countries. According to the structure analysis of exhibitors provided by the organizer, 41% are paint raw material manufacturers, 23% are paint product distributors, and 11% are analysis and testing equipment and equipment companies. In addition, 54% of exhibitors are from India and 19% are from overseas exhibitors. According to the statistical analysis of visitors, 39% of professional visitors are from paint and ink manufacturers, 28% are from raw material manufacturers/distributors, and the larger proportion of visitors in other fields are from adhesives, plastics and construction chemicals. There were 9 related meetings held at the same time during the exhibition, attracting 612 participants, and the atmosphere was very warm.


          TECH-POWER (HUANGSHAN) LIMITED has achieved good results and successfully developed dozens of potential customers, and further follow-ups are needed. Specific exhibition information?as follows:


          Exhibition Name: International Coatings Exhibition?(India)

          Exhibition Location: Mumbai, India

          Exhibition Area: 594 square meters

          Exhibition Time: March 8-10, 2018
